Struggling with Knee Pain? Discover the Surprising Spice That Could Bring Relief
Struggling with Knee Pain? Discover the Surprising Spice That Could Bring Relief Crafted by: Jonathan Chew Turmeric has long been used for its anti-inflammatory properties, and recent research now highlights its specific benefits for alleviating knee pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA). This degenerative joint condition affects millions. OA often leads
Why Poor Sleep Might Increase Stroke Risk and How to Reduce It
Why Poor Sleep Might Increase Stroke Risk and How to Reduce It Crafted by: Jonathan Chew Sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental health, yet millions of people suffer from sleep-related issues that compromise their well-being. Among the severe health risks associated with sleep disorders is an increased risk
5 Surprising Ways Sleep Deprivation Disrupts Your Metabolic Health
5 Surprising Ways Sleep Deprivation Disrupts Your Metabolic Health Crafted by: Jonathan Chew Good sleep is essential for overall well-being. In addition to boosting mental clarity and improving mood, quality sleep significantly impacts how the body metabolises energy. Missing out on adequate rest disrupts this balance, posing risks to metabolic
Heart-Healthy Foods to Naturally Reduce Blood Pressure
Heart-Healthy Foods to Naturally Reduce Blood Pressure Crafted by: Jonathan Chew High blood pressure (hypertension) can quietly and progressively harm your body, leading to conditions like stroke, artery narrowing, heart failure, kidney issues, eye damage, dementia, and other severe health issues. Fortunately, diet plays a crucial role in reducing blood
The Inflammation Puzzle: Understanding Autoimmune Effects on Your Body and How to Heal
The Inflammation Puzzle: Understanding Autoimmune Effects on Your Body and How to Heal Crafted by: Jonathan Chew Autoimmune diseases are becoming an increasing health concern, affecting an estimated 5% to 10% of the population in Malaysia. But these conditions don’t develop overnight—they result from long-term, chronic inflammation, which manifests in
World Stroke Day Talk Reveals Hidden “Fear Factors of Stroke”
World Stroke Day Talk Reveals Hidden “Fear Factors of Stroke” Crafted by: Jonathan Chew In collaboration with Care Concierge, RENN Asia Wellness is making strides in improving stroke care and prevention in Malaysia. This initiative was highlighted at a recent event held in conjunction with World Stroke Day, where experts